Entertainment journalism has taken a hit. Several media publications have laid off their staff.
I don’t mean to be insensitive but … we need y’all more than we need those publications. We need our journalists.
This is where it gets sticky. So if your heart is open to hear mine, please keep reading.
I wrote a free e-book on how music journalists can create their own spaces. Even though it’s completely free, this may still feel like a misplaced sales pitch.
The state of journalism has me heated due to increasingly dishonest, shallow, and attention-seeking commentary. Meanwhile, quality journalists were hidden within the industry’s ivory towers as publications yearned for relevance in the digital age.
Many publications were too disconnected to realize that the very talent they relegated to the back would have saved them.
People are saying that journalism is dying. My analysis says the opposite.
But the resurgence of journalism will not be at the hands of these publications.
Instead, journalists will rebuild this industry - post by post.
Five Tips to Dive Into Music Journalism should be called ‘How to Take Music Journalism BACK’ because that is what our society desperately needs.
I trust journalists with the job! You have immaculate research skills. Your fingers are on the pulse. You know what the audience wants and needs. Now, you can create your best work without shrinking for sales. No more battling with print media’s identity crisis.
I know you still need to earn a living. We cannot undermine that.
Just know this: Your voice can create new publications.
Pick up your pen. Pick up your microphone.
And take journalism into your own hands.
Grab the free e-book if you’d like. There is truly a lot of game in there.
Regardless, I hope this encourages you. I can’t stress your importance enough.