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We can listen to the album during our quiet journaling moments. It can also play during upcoming vision board parties.

Don't be intimidated by the stillness. Usually, that's exactly what we need.

If we apply the following key guidelines to our yearly planning, I believe many of us will

a. Appreciate the album more

b. Enter 2024 with clear direction and reinvigorated faith to continuously serve our purpose.

First things first ... write ya own bars! I'm not gonna lie -- Andre 3000 cracked me up with this one! "No, y'all not getting no bars!"

Though it truly seems like he followed the unction to create authentically, it also doubles as a challenge to his audience. A challenge to think and let our thoughts SETTLE.

So many are waiting for someone to tell us what to think. I'm guilty of that sometimes. Other times, we desperately desire confirmation of our thoughts. You only have to look as far as comments under a post to see how irate we become when our beliefs are invalidated.

Now, here comes this rap icon who has been roaming the world with a flute in hand. We just KNEW the wisdom would be boundless. Yet, André 3000 dropped a wordless album that gives us the mental space to lay out our plans for the new year.

The inspiration we thought we needed from Dre’s wisdom is actually bubbling within us. 2024 is waiting for you to put that pen to paper and write your own bars. 

What do you want to see from yourself?

Once again - an iconic rapper, known for his creative lyricism and introspection - drops an album with zero audible words.

Not sure about all the rules of the rap game, but I'm pretty sure this breaks several of them. However, Dre doesn't stop there with the rule-breaking. He also broke several current industry standards.

From the length of the songs to the length of the song titles, New Blue Sun is unconventional. The current industry trend is for song duration to hover around 2 minutes and 45 seconds. We're listening to 12-minute tracks on this album.

And the titles take about as long to read! On Spotify, the track title scrolls across the screen, and I was captivated by each word. I didn't know how the sentence was going to end.

"That Night in Hawaii When I Turned into a Panther and Started Making These Low Register Purring Tones That I Couldn't Control ... Sh¥t Was Wild" -- like whaaaat?

Okay, take me there. And that's exactly what he did with this album. He used these unconventional methods to take us directly into his mind. Undoubtedly, Andre is a communicator. And to accurately communicate his unusual experiences, he broke a couple of rules that don't fit the plot.

What about you?

What rules are you breaking that no longer serve positive functions in your life?

The thing about breaking rules is that it shouldn't solely be for the sake of being nonconformist. It should serve a constructive purpose that the present rules inhibit.

The point is to prioritize your purposeful intentions over outdated conventions.

How can you break conventions with a purpose? 

This one might be controversial.

However, to be of service, you gotta place the needs of those you serve over their desires. As humans, that feels icky because we yearn to please. 

But how do you know what people need? How do you determine when what they say they need is only what they want?

First, you have to identify who you are CALLED to serve. That takes time and introspection with GOD. He has already deposited a desire and a strong sense of discernment regarding how to serve them.

But those tools can only be properly utilized if you are purely seeking wholeness. For some of us, THAT is what this year is all about. Why else do you think Andre 3000 was playing Where's Waldo across the globe?

Next, you have to listen to that inkling feeling that pushes you away from fear-based decisions. That doesn't mean these actions won't make you afraid. It just means you're willing to choose that fear over the fear of being afraid. You'll gradually find out that these decisions are frightening because they don't give the people you care for what they want.

But how often do we want things that we honestly NEED TO RUN FROM?!

Dre stated several times that he WANTED to rap. But in a time where words are hitting less and our focus is in shambles, the best gift was an album that gives us space to think for ourselves

What people-pleasing (or self-pleasing) patterns must you break

to be of better service this year?

I saw some comments about this album that irked me! Our social commentary is so backwards that selflessness seems like ego, and ego has disguised itself as wisdom.

Many are upset that Andre 3000 didn't drop bars. I get that. However, some described the instrumental album as an arrogant, ego-driven move.

Nah. Ego is way too fragile to place a person at the forefront of potentially ruthless criticism when they can EASILY receive praise & glory for being far less vulnerable. Ego is not about braggadocio; it is about self-consciousness and insecurity.

Ego seeks to protect oneself from embarrassment. Ego takes every opportunity to ride the coattails of our past success or the success of others. To move without these patterns requires bravery. Not necessarily fearlessness. Bravery. Bravery accepts the possibility of failure and pursues victory anyway.

Some of us may have to go back to the drawing table and reassess the goals (or limitations) we've set for this new year. How can we step around our ego and face criticism on a sensitive topic? Are we willing to be dismissed - several times - despite putting our hearts and souls into becoming more self-aware?

Or will we grab that low-hanging fruit once again? Hey, I'm just asking!

Where have we allowed our ego’s desire for safety to

limit our potential?

Now, who would've expected masterful flute playing from Andre 3000? Okay, to be honest... it's not so far out of the realm of expectation for this man.

And you know what...? That's exactly how obvious your hidden gift is to the people around you. They will not be as surprised as you think! But you have to try it out.

We may not feel like experts. We may have a lot more to learn. That's normal. Learning is endless, so that should not stop you from applying the new information. How else will you develop your expertise? To be honest, your new skill does not have to be in an area where you hope to become an expert. You just gotta like it.

We are not machines. Our interests serve a joyful purpose in our lives. Don't hesitate to practice it more. Dive into it. The lie people tell is that caring will make it a chore. No suh!

Caring exposes just why this interest captured your attention in the first place.

If you catch yourself constantly watching videos and reading up on something... find a class. Go to the function. Buy the materials. Do it! Have fun!

Man, use your imagination!

From narrative titles to the combination of sounds to accompany his flute, Andre 3000 opened up his imagination to his audience.

When was the last time you used your imagination? Why did you stop? Was it because it didn't end up exactly like you imagined? That's the nature of the game. But sometimes that unrealistic dream becomes a plan... a standard... a reality.

This year, I urge you to find that childlike hopefulness. If you’re gonna overthink, you might as well use that effort to consider the possibilities your faith, creativity, and hard work can produce.

Your imagination is just the BASELINE of what

GOD desires for your life.

Wishing you a Happy New Year! See you soon.

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